Sunday, April 3, 2011

House kills Obama's mortgage plan

The House passes a bill to kill Obama's mortgage plan. Obama's mortgage plan was intented to help homeowners stay in their homes, but according to the House was ineffective. In fact, 252 out of
House votes to kill Obama mortgage plan
422 House of Representatives voted to kill the program. The program also modified mortgages for the struggling borrowers who are behind on their payments. The House has previously passed three smaller programs designed to help families with foreclosure. So what makes Obama's mortgage plan different? The only difference is the criticism from both the Republicans and the Democrats saying that it is useless. As a result, on Tuesday,Treasury Secretary, Tim Geither writes a letter stating Obama's plan needs to change to meets its full potential. In response, Rep. Barney Frank, says that plan has problems but the smaller the amount of programs the more it hurts the homeowners.

In class, we discussed the House's powers in government. For instance, House can veto a bill the president approves with two thirds House vote as shown in the blog.

Do you agree with Barney Frank? Why or why not?
Do we need more programs to help foreclosures?

"Another Three Weeks"

John Bohner - House Speaker
On Tuesday, a three week extension of government funding has been passed. It has been causing a lot of conflict between Congress. According to President Obama, he believes "with the wide range of issues facing our nation, we cannot keep funding the government in two or three week increments". Even though the 271-158 House vote was very easily determined, this vote has dissappointed many conservative Republicans who want deep cuts in non-military spending. Earlier in the month a two week funding passed and only six Republicans opposed. On Tuesday, 54 opposed the three week extension. All this proves is that the government needs to work opposition on a spending plan for the rest of 2011 budget. As a result of future battles over more spending cuts, The House Speaker, John Bohner believes that Republicans won't allow negotiation over this year's spending bill in the future.

Recently, in class we have been talking about Congress. Congress is made up of the Senate and House. There are less Senator than House of Representatives because there are two senators for every state. In contrast, House of Representatives are determined by the population of every state. In this blog, the majority of the House votes for the three week extension, thus the title another three weeks.

Do you believe the three week extension is good or bad thing?
Do you agree with Obama's statement?