Monday, January 31, 2011

?? Health Care Reform Law Ruled Unconstitutional ??

A federal judge in Florida rules the health reform law unconstitutional even though Barack Obama thinks different. It is believed that this case will be a contentious Supreme Court challenge over the legislation in the coming months. Florida along with 25 other states filed a lawsuit last spring against "Obamacare".  Judge Roger Vinson, in a 78-page ruling, dismissed the key provision of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act which requires most Americans to purchase health care by 2014 or face penalties. Another federal judge in Virginia also believes that the health care law is unconstitutional, even though two other judges disagree. Such disagreements almost guarantee the Supreme Court will take up this issue. Under the law, the federal government is supposed to pay states for most of the cost of the Medicaid expansion which is believed to be an estimated 95 percent over the first five years. 

This health care reform law relates to the power of the president. The president can present a law and it can still be denied. 

Do you believe the health reform law is unconstitutional?

Does this issue need to be taken to the Supreme Court why or why not?

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