Sunday, October 31, 2010


Abortion! Many people believe that abortion became popular as result of the current generation.  In actuality, abortion has been around for hundreds of years.  During the time of the early settlers, abortion was legal in the United States and was constitutionally accepted among its citizens as an ideal and common practice.  In the 1800's as new immigrants starting migrating to the United States, some states started pushing to make abortion illegal based off various reasons.  One article expressed that a common theme for the change of law was a result of fear that the immigrant population would outgrow that of the residents that were already in the States.  Whatever the reason may have been in changing the laws, the consequences in the future would make room for one of the greatest cases in the United States known as Roe vs. Wade.

In Roe vs. Wade, Roe was a Texas resident who attempted to have an abortion but was unsuccessful because of Texas state law. The law of Texas stated that it was illegal to have an abortion unless the pregnant woman's life is at risk. The Court’s decision was that women have the option to choose abortion based on the right to privacy found in the Fourteenth Amendment. Due to the courts ruling on Roe vs. Wade, the laws of 46 states adopted this ideal.

Some people believe that abortion is wrong and should be illegal because abortion is killing an innocent infant. Others believe that abortion is a good thing and should be legal because it brings relief to the mother who cannot take care of the baby. I came to conclusion that it should be legal because no one should have power to decide whether someone lives or dies besides God in my opinion.  Besides, the constitution states that everyone is born with God given rights, which are LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. My question to you is in whose hands do you feel should the decision about the fate of an unborn child’s life be in?  Another question that I have for you is, if abortion was illegal then what exceptions would you create.

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