Sunday, November 21, 2010

Battle On The Hill

Will Obama Prevail ?

There's been a lot of hoopla over these past elections. Obama is dealing with a lot of criticism over his decision making as President. As a result of the recent election, the sixty plus incoming Republicans in the House of Representatives is quite conservative; and in fact, their political ideology is the exact opposite of our liberal democratic President Obama.  In the article, Bill Burton, White House spokesman, politically socializes his views upon the readers of the article as he expresses that the American people do not want to re-litigate what the government has done for the past two years, they want Washington to move the economy forward by creating jobs.  Due to everything that has been accomplished, some Americans in both parties are experiencing some political cleavage because some are starting to second guess why they put him in office.  Moderate Independent Women’s Forum President Michelle Bernard added this caution: “Politicians of both parties should be very clear that the public does not hold either party in high regard. The true takeaway of this election is that the American electorate is not going to stand for bad policy anymore from Washington, regardless of who is governing.” Political Elite Mitch McConnell has a slightly different view.  He states that “The fact is, if our primary legislative goals are to repeal and replace the health spending bill, to end the bailouts and cut spending and shrink the size and scope of government, the only way to do all these things is to put someone in the White House who won’t veto any of these things.”

??Obama Thinking??
 I believe the economy is the dividing line where Americans lie in determining if he stays President or if someone different will create the change that was promised.  If Obama wants to have another term in office he needs to give the Americans the change that they voted for.  The article also shed some light on the public opinion of tte citizens of the country.  For example a 46-year-old white mother states that she is sick and tired of the bad behavior in Washington hurting families like hers.  From what I gather, the American people's eyes are beginning to open towards politics because the actions inns of Washingto impacting ours lives.

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