Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Civil Liberties

Civil Liberties are rights and freedoms given to each citizen in the U.S. constitution found in the first amendment. 

Essential Questions to Answer about civil liberties:

  • How important is the first amendment?. The civil liberties are listed as followed: freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of press, freedom of petition, and freedom of religion. Freedom of speech means that we the people have the right to speak freely about the government without the fear of being punished in any way. Freedom of assembly means that we the people have the right to come together in public to express their views peacefully and non violently without interference. Freedom of press means that the people have the right to publish any opinions freely. Freedom of religion means that the people have the right to practice any religion they want to without the government's consent. Lastly, freedom of petition means that the people have the right to disagree with government. The first amendment is very important because it lists the civil liberties that we as humans possess. Also back in the era of King and Queens, we did not have these liberties and if you were to talk disagree or were insubordinate to what the king or queen said there were consequences. Punishments were imprisonment and most times death. Therefore, without the first amendment we as a nation would be a monarchy.

  • What is speech? Speech can be defined as many things from the words that come out of someones mouth to obscenity.

  • Who is a person? any corporation and other associations, like individuals, that contributes discussion or debate.

  • Is there separation between church and state? Yes, there is because the state can not interfere or make any law prohibiting to exercise of religion with the church and vise virsa found in the first amendment and Article VI .

  • What is due-process? Due process is the principle that that government most respect all rights according to the constitution.

In the news lately, the slogan "Don't touch my junk" is beginning to be known world-wide. The slogan is referring to the way Transportation Security Administration or (TSA) is holding the scope and grope process. Many Americans are complaining that TSA are being too physical and invading their privacy. For example, Passenger Erin Chase likened her ordeal to sexual assault by a TSA screener who, "went all the way up my legs, up my inner thighs, all along my inner thighs until she reached my genital area, touched both sides." Even the scanners are being a problem because they are said to reveal too much. Obama asks TSA to constantly evaluate its methods in order to keep all passengers safe. He also believes that the pat down and scanners are very necessary because last Christmas there was an "underwear bomber" and Nigerian terror Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab.

I think we as a people are very ungrateful because the scope and grope process is only trying to keep us safe from bombers like Umar. Instead of thanking the TSA for doing their jobs, we complain about that's crazy??? 
Some questions for thought are:

Is the scope and grope process really invading privacy or is it keep us safe?

If a person confesses to a crime, is there any reason why the
confession should not be used in court? 

Links: http://www.cnn.com/POLITICS/

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